3 reviews by Timmy -95..
Slap Shot

From: Timmy -95
Comments: Oh this brings memories to me... Slapshot kicked ass! I had one at home and I played it with my dad. I was a bad loser and it was a difficult game back then. And I'm only 12 today so I was young when playing it. A classic. Sry if I spelled something wrong because I'm from Finland!


WWF: Steel Cage

From: Timmy -95
Comments: Man, I wouldn't think that they made a game from Wrestle Mania...


Wonder Boy III: The Dragons Trap

From: Timmy -95
Comments: What an amazing game this was. I'm only 12 now so I was young when playing this (as well as Slap Shot and other Wonder Boys) SMS was an incredible console, thanks for the memories...
